Guild Messages
Below are our latest Messages from the Guild.
24 Feb 2023 – the full list of books available for members to loan from the Guild library is now in the documents section of the members page. Just go to the main members page, click on “document” then click on Gwent Guild Library List. if you wish to loan a book, simply contact the Guild by phone or email (see the contacts page) and arrangements will be made for you to loan the book.
19 Jan 2023 The guild is very grateful to The Christchurch Centre for allowing us to meet there on Saturday’s and to some of the members for opening up their homes for meets on Tuesdays for at least the next few months. We are still on the look out for a permanent home as well as suggestions for people who may be able to help us with this as well as funding and advice. The new home would need to be in Cwmbran as this is the central point for our members. If anyone has any ideas or contacts please feel free to let me know.
We have had problems with the Facebook page so please use the new page Gwent Guild WSD members only. People will need to be approved by the admin to be able to join so this should make it more secure.
Marilyn R has kindly offered to do a steeking workshop on 1st April and this event has been added to the calendar. Great if you are thinking of trying fairisle knitting.
Great news! The Barry trip is back this year by popular demand. We have booked 2 large beach huts for Thursday 6th July 2023. If you haven’t been before we take our wheels etc and a picnic lunch to share. You can arrive anytime after 10.00am and they are available up to 10.00pm. There is a large shelter nearby so weather is not an issue. Charge will be £10 per person, with any excess going to the guild finances.
Hugh has been in touch with the London Cloth Company who have bought the derelict Elvet woolen mill. The new owner Daniel Harris is starting to renovate the mill and has raised money through crowdfunding towards the renovation. Hopefully we will be able to organise a trip once he is able to open for visitors.
Finally Helen has had to step down as treasurer due to other commitments. Sian has kindly agreed to take over. Many thanks to Helen for the work she did and a warm welcome to Sian for taking over
05 Dec 2022- Meeting Venues
From now on the venues for our meetings will be as follows (all meetings are 10am to 2pm):
Saturdays: Christchurch, Malpas Road, Newport, NP20 5PP (behind the fire station at the end of Malpas Road, Newport).
1st Tuesday of every month: 12, Cae Brynton Rd, Newport, NP20 3FY (Marianne Larcombe – 07890902121)
2nd Tuesday of every month: 86, Candwr Park, Ponthir, Newport, NP18 1HN (Sue Cromack – 07854618659)
3rd Tuesday of every month: 53, Fields Road, Newport, NP20 5BP (Diana Le Cornu – 07879427409)
4th Tuesday of every month: 45, Broome Path, St Dials, Cwmbran, NP44 4ND (Chris Waite – 07940744447)
5th Tuesday of every month (if there is one): 6, South Close, Llanfrechfra, NP44 8UL (Marilyn Bevan – 07989715113)
26 Nov 2022
Well that’s it, the end of an era! We have left Greenmeadow Community Farm and are looking forward to a new Guild experience. Our first meeting since leaving Greenmeadow Farm will be Christmas Crafts on Saturday 3rd December at 10am. This will be held at Christchurch (which is behind the fire station at the bottom of Malpas Road, Newport.) Please bring a plate of food to share.
During January our Tuesday meetings will be in members homes as usual. Further information will be coming out shortly. From February onwards we will be meeting at Christchurch.
We extended the 2022 membership until the end of November due to the uncertainty around our move but that date is now approaching so if you haven’t re-joined, but wish to, please do so ASAP. We will be refreshing our contacts lists shortly in line with the latest membership list. We will also be changing the password for the members page of the web site – current members will be given the new password by email.
24 Feb 2022 – Further details about the March workshop, entitled “Blending on a Drum Carder” are now available on the events page. Just click on the link to the event. Looking forward to creating some gorgeous batts with you on the 5th of March!! Come along and find out how to use a drum carder to blend different types of fibres, colours etc. Cost £10
25 Nov 2021– The 2022 diary of workshops and events is now available on the events tab above. Workshops need to be paid for in advance. This can be by handing cash to a committee member or by bank transfer to ………….(detail to be added shortly!) If you pay by bank transfer please tell Sue that you have done so, what it is for and put your name as the reference.
14 Sept 2021 ~ We are pleased to welcome you back to Guild meetings without the need to book – just come along and join us as in pre-COVID times. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via the tab above, our Facebook page or our WhatsApp group.
29 June 2021 ~ Face to Face Meetings are back ~ we are pleased to tell you that face to face meetings at Greenmeadow Community Farm have now started up again. However to comply with current COVID rules we are limited to the number of people who can attend at any one time. Please contact the secretary to book a place.