NEWS FLASH :   All the information you need to submit a piece for the National Exhibition in Hay Castle this Autumn

is now in Documents on the website, so it’s time to take a look and get making!

Who Are We?

The Gwent Guild of Weavers Spinners and Dyers is a large, friendly, and enthusiastic group from across South Wales. We have a varied range of interests that expands well beyond the umbrella of ‘weavers, spinners, and dyers’. Some of us have been spinning or weaving for years, others are beginners or are trying a new skill. Most of us learn something new every meeting! So whether you fancy trying something different, talking through a particularly tricky problem you’re having, or maybe just meeting some like-minded souls, our Guild is a good place to start.

Where We Meet

Panteg House, Greenhill Road, Griffithstown, Pontypool, NP4 5BE


Tuesdays (10am -2pm) in a first floor meeting room

1st Wednesday of every month is Weaving Wednesday (12.30 – 4pm) held in a ground floor meeting room

and Saturdays (10am-2pm) in a first floor meeting room

 Please contact the secretary if you would like to join us so that we can ensure there is someone to greet you.